Sunday, October 21, 2007


This week we discussed the demonstration of Christ's authority throughout the Gospel of Matthew and particularly in chapters 8-10. Next week Pete will be leading us as we continue with our study in Matthew.

Don't forget our Pumpkin Party this friday night at 7:00pm! We will meet in the gym area to carve or paint our pumpkins. Please plan to bring your own pumpkin, tools or supplies & a sweet/salty treat to share. If you don't have time to bring a treat - please come anyway!! We will have plenty. If your spouse can't attend with you - please come anyway!! Don't have a great idea for a pumpkin - please come anyway!!! Remember kids of all ages are welcome! This is a great time of fellowship!

So let's set a class goal of 20 Operation Christmas Child boxes!!!! We can do it! Pick up your box in the atrium and don't forget to grab one of the instruction fliers to help you out!

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