Sunday, February 22, 2009

Theology it is Practical: Or Bring Your Brain with Ya
Today in Sunday School I mentioned how important theology was to the Christian's everyday life. Indeed theology is of foundational importance when it comes to practically living out your Christian faith in everyday life. I thought to help us chew on this a bit I would toss out a point of reflection on theology and its practical nature.
Defining theology correctly makes all the difference in the world. Oh the substance is in the definition of things. Now if we defined theology as the "rigorous study of retaining banal details of divine adages" then we have already lost the battle. However, if we define theology rightly then we can some to see the absolute practical value of theology for everyday life. I would offer us three simple definitions of theology to help us see the usefulness of this glorious discipline of the Christian life.
First, at its most basic meaning the word theology means a study of God. How can studying God be unpractical? Well it can’t!! Think about it...the maker of all things is the very one who can help us with everything that we face.
Second, "The living God has made Himself known." (From my new giddy inspiring Systematic Theology book by Douglas Kelly) God has revealed Himself to us. What wisdom we have been given, what truth, what practicality. If God has made himself known to you then you have the wisdom of the Holy One who knows all situations and what is best in all of those situations. Thus, the more we study theology the more we know God Himself. The more we know God Himself the more we know how we ought to deal with anything that comes our way. Now that is practical!
Third, the word theology comes from two greek words "theos" meaning God and "logos" meaning word or meaning. In the anciet greek the word logos can also have the meaning of expressing praise. Thus, we can define theology as praising God. As we study God who has made Himself know we are going to be amazed at who he is and this will lead us praise him. Actually this will lead us to praise him more and more which will make our daily lives a life of praise. When we can live a life of daily praise this will transform how we approach everything and will transform the world around us as well. This is the type of practical real life stuff we need to see happening in our lives as well as those around us.
Now I hope by taking these three definitions of theology and chewing on them even more you will begin to see the absolute value, indeed the absolute necessity, of theology in your life. It is time for we Christians to once again take up theology as a basic staple of the Christian diet.
Look up, think deep!!